Tea Talk with Gretchen: Your Personality Under Pressure — How Stress Manifests for Different Personality Types

Do you know what the optimal amount of stress is? Some might say none. But according to some studies on how our brains actually work, that’s not true.

In Tea Talk with Gretchen: Your Personality Under Pressure — How Stress Manifests for Different Personality Types, Leadership & Executive Coach and Integrated Growth team member, Courtney Marchment, helps us understand the process the brain goes through at different levels of stress, and how those levels affect how we make decisions both as people and as leaders. She also shares tools to help identify our own stress patterns and to actively redirect them into more helpful, nourishing ways of thinking. Referencing the powerful psychometric tool, Insights Discovery, she invites us to reflect on how facing our emotions straight on might empower us to operate as the best versions of ourselves — whether at home or the office.


The Great Realignment


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